Living an amazing life in an incredibly beautiful, uniquely you space does not require anything other than you knowing yourself. This course will help you feel that deeply and will give you the confidence to make decisions that are right for you, no matter what anyone else may say about it, me included.

Social proof: testimonials

“Jennaea isn't just teaching design. You think you're going to learn to design a room--and you will, but she is also going to simultaneously change the environment of you in the process. Prepare to laugh, be expanded and see the world differently.”

Janne Robinson, Author of 'This is for the Women Who Don't Give a Fuck'

“This course was absolutely incredible! Jennaea is extremely personable and passionate about her craft – it made the course not only incredibly fun, but also really easy to learn the process for myself! I feel way more empowered in not only my own eye for design, but also as a human engaging with the world around me. Jennaea and the course she's created is an absolute treasure.”

Jodi H.

Course Curriculum

    1. Contents

    2. Your Guide

    3. What To Expect

    4. Introduction

    1. Module 1 Introduction

    2. Finding Your Inspired Feeling

    3. Where Do We Start?

    4. The Sense of Sound

    5. The Sense of Sight

    6. The Senses of Touch and Smell

    7. The Vibe Board

    8. A Visual Representation of the Feeling

    9. Module 1 Final Thoughts

    10. Call Recording: Jan 2024

    1. Module 2 Introduction

    2. Considering Your Space

    3. Let's Get Started

    4. Your Physical Space

    5. Your Personal Inventory

    6. Your Functional Needs

    7. Module 2 Final Thoughts

    1. Module 3 Introduction

    2. Designing Your Environment

    3. Bringing it All Together

    4. Crafting and Editing the Vision

    5. Layout Stress

    6. The Best Layout for Your Space

    7. Identifying Your Current Resources

    8. Resource Boundaries

    9. Making Decisions

    10. The Decision Criteria

    11. It's Time to Go Shopping

    12. What if?

    13. Finalizing the Selections

    14. Setting the Stage

    15. Adding the Details

    16. Module 3 Final Thoughts

    17. Call Recording: Feb 2024

    1. Don't Want This To End?

    2. Thank You

The Details (aka what you get)

  • 40 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content
  • 50 Page PDF Workbook
  • Discounted 1:1 Breakthrough Session Offer on Completion
  • A space that you absolutely LOVE

Your Fearless Leader

Jennaea Denhardt

Obsessed with the way light from a window changes the mood of a room, the delicious smell of fresh cut lumber, the rhythmic sound of a moving paint roller, and anything that makes her heart beat fast, she thinks design rules are ridiculous, that trends only matter if you want them to, and that you should, definitely, go back and buy that thing you keep thinking about since you left the shop.